Blair Moseley

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Just another quick update

Blair continues to do so well. He is almost 17 lbs. He is still such a happy little guy. He loves to giggle and loves it when others laugh with him.
He already looks so big to me. He is finding a little independence, and he makes it known when he needs his space. Even though I would like to keep him a baby forever, I can already see that he is not going to go for that! He can wiggle with the best of them when he is done being held. He is sitting by himself, and he loves to reach for anything so I think that crawling will be soon.

We have been back to some of his specialists and things continue to improve. We saw his pulmonologist, and he was very positive about Blair's progress. AND, he has told us that soon we need to start getting out more. We have been waiting for this time since he was born, and we are so grateful that it is finally here. We have started to do a few things. He has been to his first birthday party. His cousin turned 3, and we went to his party. Blair was amazed at all of the stuff, the lights, the noise and all of the other little people. He loved it. He has also been to his first play date, and again, he loved the newness of it and loved being around other babies.

As I said before, we (especially me) have been looking forward to the time when we could get out of this house and do more for so long, and I am so excited, but the crazy thing is that I am also scared. Fear is terrible. It can and usually does paralyze me. It keeps me from doing and being all that I should do or be. I have realized how fearful I can be since Blair was born, and I am working on it. I do not want to be afraid that Blair will get sick and end up in the hospital. I do not want to be afraid of the procedures that he will have to undergo in the future. I do not want to be afraid that his progress will slow down or stop, BUT I do fear those things and more. I try to keep it in perspective and to push those fears out when they creep into my head. As usual, I am learning so much from other people- Friends who have been there before me and are going through it now. I hope that I will follow their leads. I hope that I will always be grateful for the day that I am living and that I will always celebrate every single day of Blair's life without getting bogged down in the fear.

We head back to the cardiologist in February, and I will update after that appointment.


At 3:27 PM, Blogger Connie Barris said...

Hello, Blair's mom and dad...Not sure if you remember me... but I talked to you (via email) when you first learned of your precious little boy's special delivery and I connected you to one of my nurse's Shari as she was going through the same thing.
I keep in touch with Blair through her.
I have been blogging for a short time and happen upon yours.
I'm so glad to see Blair is growing and doing well.
Isn't our God awesome!


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