Blair Moseley

Monday, October 09, 2006

How life has changed!!

I still cannot believe that I am stepping over a bouncy seat in my kitchen and a swing in my den, picking up stuffed animals,washing teeny tiny precious little outfits, and my favorite-- unloading a stroller out of MY car! Exactly 1 year ago, we did not have very high hopes of ever doing these wonderful things, and now we have a hard time remembering life a year ago. I will never stop being amazed at how quickly life can change. Sometimes it happens gradually and other times it happens without notice, but either way, time really does fly.

In this last year, we learned that we were pregnant after being told that it would proabably never happen! I saw my body gradually grow and felt our lives quickly change in preparation for a new person in our house! We learned that our baby may have some heart complications and began a life of trips to Atlanta for doctors appointments and ultra sounds. We grieved for our sweet little unborn child, but then we were told that his heart was healthy. We could return to our normal life and deliver our baby in Rome. We were discharged from Atlanta on May 4th and then 2 weeks later at only 34 weeks, Blair came into this world 6 weeks earlier than expected. As you know, he was born with a pulmonary artery sling that had to be repaired so then our life at Egelston Childrens Hospital began. 4 weeks later, he was discharged home, and our life with a new baby in our own home began. Now only 4 1/2 months later, the doctors visits and hospitalizations have slowed down, and life really does seem so complete. What did we do before??

I am truly so thankful for my life! I am so thankful that God chose Blair for us and us for Blair. I am enjoying this time in my life so very much, and every day that Blair gets bigger and stronger is a blessing!

I love it when Stephen and I get to wake Blair up and watch him stretch and rub his eyes and then realize that his mama and daddy are there for him! His sweet gummy grin makes our morning! I love breakfast with my boys!! I love our morning walks and seeing the world the way it seems that Blair sees it-- everything so new and exciting. I love our routine, and I can hardly remember my routine only 1 year ago. I hope that I continue to enjoy everything as much as I do now. I hope that I always remember how precious life is and how quickly it can change.


At 4:58 PM, Blogger Jennifer said...

Isn't life beautiful? I am so thankful for blessings that are so sweet they easily eclipse the pain of the waiting.

At 5:16 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

I'm here through Gwen Sirmans--my daughter was born right before Blair was, with a heart defect and she had open-heart in August. We didn't know about it before her birth, but I can relate to the millions of appointments and stress! I'm glad for you to be happy and at home--things I took for granted until I had Addison:)


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